
Source code for continual.multihead_attention.retroactive_mha

import math
from functools import partial
from typing import Optional, Tuple

import torch
from torch import Tensor

from continual.logging import getLogger
from continual.module import _callmode

from .mha_base import MultiheadAttentionBase, scaled_dot_prod_attn_flops

logger = getLogger(__name__)
logger_once = getLogger(__name__, log_once=True)

State = Tuple[
    Tensor,  # d_mem, (B, Nt-1)
    Tensor,  # AV_mem, (B, Ns-1, E)
    Tensor,  # Q_mem, (B, Nt-1, E)
    Tensor,  # K_T_mem, (B, E, Ns)
    Tensor,  # V_mem, (B, Ns, E)
    Tensor,  # state_index

def _scaled_dot_product_attention_default_state(
    batch_size: int,
    sequence_len: int,
    embed_dim: int,
    num_heads: int,
    init_fn = partial(init_fn, dtype=dtype, device=device)
    E = embed_dim // num_heads
    B = batch_size * num_heads
    N = sequence_len
    d_mem = init_fn((B, N - 1, 1))
    AV_mem = init_fn((B, N - 1, E))
    Q_mem = init_fn((B, N - 1, E))
    K_T_mem = init_fn((B, E, N))
    V_mem = init_fn((B, N, E))
    return (d_mem, AV_mem, Q_mem, K_T_mem, V_mem)

def _scaled_dot_product_attention_step(
    prev_state: State,
    q_step: Tensor,  # step input (B, E)
    k_step: Tensor,  # step input (B, E)
    v_step: Tensor,  # step input (B, E)
    attn_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None,
    dropout_p: float = 0.0,
) -> Tuple[Tensor, State]:
    Computes the Continual Retroactive Scaled Dot-Product Attention on query, key and value tensors.
    Returns attended values and updated states.

        q_step, k_step, v_step: query, key and value tensors for a step. See Shape section for shape details.
        attn_mask: optional tensor containing mask values to be added to calculated
            attention. May be 2D or 3D; see Shape section for details.
        dropout_p: dropout probability. If greater than 0.0, dropout is applied.

        - q_step: :math:`(B, E)` where B is batch size and E is embedding dimension.
        - k_step: :math:`(B, E)` where B is batch size and E is embedding dimension.
        - v_step: :math:`(B, E)` where B is batch size and E is embedding dimension.

        - Output: attention values have shape :math:`(B, Nt, E)`; new state
    if attn_mask is not None:  # pragma: no cover
        logger_once.warning("attn_mask is not supported yet and will be skipped")
    if dropout_p != 0.0:  # pragma: no cover
        logger_once.warning("dropout_p is not supported yet and will be skipped")

        d_mem,  # (B, Nt-1)
        AV_mem,  # (B, Ns-1, E)
        Q_mem,  # (B, Nt-1, E)
        K_T_mem,  # (B, E, Ns)
        V_mem,  # (B, Ns, E)
    ) = prev_state

    B, E = q_step.shape
    q_step = q_step / math.sqrt(E)

    # Compute oldest and newest entries in attention matrix A:
    # L . . . R
    # L . . . R
    # L . . . R
    #   B B B B

    # Left column attention values
    A_left = torch.exp(torch.bmm(Q_mem, K_T_mem[:, :, 0].unsqueeze(-1)))

    # Right column attention values
    A_right = torch.exp(torch.bmm(Q_mem, k_step.unsqueeze(-1)))

    # Update Q_mem and K_mem
    Q_mem_new = torch.roll(Q_mem, shifts=-1, dims=(1,))
    Q_mem_new[:, -1] = q_step

    K_T_mem_new = torch.roll(K_T_mem, shifts=-1, dims=(2,))
    K_T_mem_new[:, :, -1] = k_step

    # Bottom row attention values
    A_bottom = torch.exp(torch.bmm(q_step.unsqueeze(1), K_T_mem_new))

    # Compute normalisation
    d =
            d_mem - A_left + A_right,

    # Compute AV matrix top
    AV_sub = torch.bmm(A_left, V_mem[:, 0].unsqueeze(1))
    AV_add = torch.bmm(A_right, v_step.unsqueeze(1))
    AV_top = AV_mem - AV_sub + AV_add

    # Update V_mem
    V_mem_new = torch.roll(V_mem, shifts=-1, dims=(1,))
    V_mem_new[:, -1] = v_step

    # Compute AV_bottom
    AV_bottom = torch.bmm(A_bottom, V_mem_new)

    AV_new =, AV_bottom), dim=1)

    # Compute final output
    output = AV_new / d

    new_states = (
        d[:, 1:],  # (B, Nt-1)
        AV_new[:, 1:],  # (B, Ns-1, E)

    return output, new_states

[docs]class RetroactiveMultiheadAttention(MultiheadAttentionBase): """ MultiHeadAttention with retroactively updated attention outputs during continual inference. Continual MHAs were proposed by Hedegaard et al. in "Continual Transformers: Redundancy-Free Attention for Online Inference" (paper) (video). This module augments the MultiHeadAttention in PyTorch with `forward_step` / `forward_steps` functions, in which one / more query, key, and value tokens are passed to yield the multihead attentions, and updated outputs are computed for each token input. Args: embed_dim: total dimension of the model. num_heads: parallel attention heads. dropout: a Dropout layer on attn_output_weights. Default: 0.0. bias: add bias as module parameter. Default: True. add_bias_kv: add bias to the key and value sequences at dim=0. add_zero_attn: add a new batch of zeros to the key and value sequences at dim=1. kdim: total number of features in key. Default: None. vdim: total number of features in value. Default: None. batch_first: If ``True``, then the input and output tensors are provided as (batch, seq, feature). Default: ``False`` (seq, batch, feature). device: torch device to initialize layer on. Defaults to None. dtype: datatype of layer parameters. Defaults to None. sequence_len: Length of token sequence. forward_returns_attn_mask: Whether forward should return attention mask. embed_dim_second: Whether the embed dimension should be second. .. note:: If :attr:`kdim` and :attr:`vdim` are None, they will be set to :attr:`embed_dim` such that query, key, and value have the same number of features. Examples:: mha = co.RetroactiveMultiheadAttention( embed_dim=512, num_heads=8, sequence_len=32, dropout=0.0, batch_first=True, embed_dim_second=True, ) x = torch.rand(10, 512, 32) out, attn_mask = mha.forward(x) # continual inference API firsts = mha.forward_steps(x[:,:,:-1]) last = mha.forward_step(x[:,:,-1]) assert firsts is None # The module first needs to observe ``sequence_len`` values assert torch.allclose(out, last, atol=1e-6) """ _state_shape = 6 # d_mem, AV_mem, Q_mem, K_T_mem, V_mem ,state_index _dynamic_state_inds = [True, True, True, True, True, False] def __init__( self, embed_dim, num_heads, dropout=0.0, bias=True, add_bias_kv=False, add_zero_attn=False, kdim=None, vdim=None, batch_first=False, device=None, dtype=None, sequence_len=None, forward_returns_attn_mask=True, embed_dim_second=False, ) -> None: MultiheadAttentionBase.__init__( self, embed_dim, num_heads, dropout, bias, add_bias_kv, add_zero_attn, kdim, vdim, batch_first, device, dtype, sequence_len, partial( _scaled_dot_product_attention_default_state, sequence_len=sequence_len, embed_dim=embed_dim, num_heads=num_heads, ), _scaled_dot_product_attention_step, forward_returns_attn_mask, embed_dim_second, ) self.register_buffer("d_mem", torch.tensor([]), persistent=False) self.register_buffer("AV_mem", torch.tensor([]), persistent=False) self.register_buffer("Q_mem", torch.tensor([]), persistent=False) self.register_buffer("K_T_mem", torch.tensor([]), persistent=False) self.register_buffer("V_mem", torch.tensor([]), persistent=False) self.register_buffer("stride_index", torch.tensor(0), persistent=False) def get_state(self) -> Optional[State]: if len(self.d_mem) > 0: return ( self.d_mem, self.AV_mem, self.Q_mem, self.K_T_mem, self.V_mem, self.stride_index, ) def set_state(self, state: State): ( self.d_mem, self.AV_mem, self.Q_mem, self.K_T_mem, self.V_mem, self.stride_index, ) = state def clean_state(self): self.d_mem = torch.tensor([], device=self.d_mem.device) self.AV_mem = torch.tensor([], device=self.AV_mem.device) self.Q_mem = torch.tensor([], device=self.Q_mem.device) self.K_T_mem = torch.tensor([], device=self.K_T_mem.device) self.V_mem = torch.tensor([], device=self.V_mem.device) self.stride_index = torch.tensor(0) def _forward_step( self, query: Tensor, key: Tensor = None, value: Tensor = None, prev_state: Optional[State] = None, ) -> Tuple[Optional[Tensor], State]: """ Args: query, key, value: step_inputs for mapping a query and a set of key-value pairs to an output. See "Attention Is All You Need" for more details. Shapes for inputs: - query: :math:`(N, E)` where N is the batch size, E is the embedding dimension. - key: :math:`(N, E)`, where N is the batch size, E is the embedding dimension. - value: :math:`(N, E)` where N is the batch size, E is the embedding dimension. Shapes for outputs: - attn_output: :math:`(L, N, E)` where L is the target sequence length, N is the batch size, E is the embedding dimension. :math:`(N, L, E)` if ``batch_first`` is ``True``. :math:`(N, E, L)` if ``batch_first`` and ``embed_dim_second ``True``. """ if key is None: key = query if value is None: value = query o, next_state = MultiheadAttentionBase._forward_step( self, query, key, value, prev_state ) if o is not None: if self.batch_first: o = o.transpose(1, 0) if self.embed_dim_second: o = o.transpose(1, 2) return o, next_state
[docs] def forward_step( self, query: Tensor, key: Tensor = None, value: Tensor = None, update_state=True, *args, **kwargs, ) -> Optional[Tensor]: """ Args: query, key, value: step_inputs for mapping a query and a set of key-value pairs to an output. See "Attention Is All You Need" for more details. Shapes for inputs: - query: :math:`(N, E)` N is the batch size, E is the embedding dimension. - key: :math:`(N, E)`, where N is the batch size, E is the embedding dimension. - value: :math:`(N, E)` where N is the batch size, E is the embedding dimension. Shapes for outputs: - attn_output: :math:`(L, N, E)` where L is the target sequence length, N is the batch size, E is the embedding dimension. :math:`(N, L, E)` if ``batch_first`` is ``True``. :math:`(N, E, L)` if ``batch_first`` and ``embed_dim_second ``True``. """ o = MultiheadAttentionBase.forward_step( self, query, key, value, update_state, *args, **kwargs ) if isinstance(o, Tensor) and self.embed_dim_second: o = o.transpose(1, 2) return o
def forward_steps( self, query: Tensor, key: Tensor = None, value: Tensor = None, update_state=True, *args, **kwargs, ) -> Optional[Tensor]: o = MultiheadAttentionBase.forward_steps( self, query, key, value, update_state, *args, **kwargs ) if isinstance(o, Tensor) and self.embed_dim_second: o = o.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) # N T T' E -> N E T T' return o def flops(self, include_muls=True, include_adds=False, include_exps=False): f = 0 # Linear projection steps_taken = { _callmode("forward"): self.sequence_len, _callmode("forward_step"): 1, }[self.call_mode] f += ( steps_taken * self.embed_dim * self.embed_dim * 3 # Assuming equal len for Q, K, and V ) if include_adds: f += 3 * steps_taken * self.embed_dim * (self.embed_dim - 1) if self.in_proj_bias is not None: f += 3 * steps_taken * self.embed_dim if include_adds: f += 3 * steps_taken * self.embed_dim # Multi-head Scaled Dot-Product Attention f += self.num_heads * { _callmode("forward"): scaled_dot_prod_attn_flops, _callmode("forward_step"): retractive_scaled_dot_prod_attn_step_flops, }[self.call_mode]( self.sequence_len, self.embed_dim // self.num_heads, include_muls, include_adds, include_exps, ) # Linear projection f += self.sequence_len * self.embed_dim * (self.embed_dim + 1) return f
def retractive_scaled_dot_prod_attn_step_flops( sequence_len, embed_dim, include_muls=True, include_adds=False, include_exps=False ): n = sequence_len d = embed_dim flops = 0 if include_muls: flops += 7 * n * d + 2 * n - 3 * d if include_adds: flops += 6 * n * d + 3 * n - 6 * d - 3 if include_exps: flops += 3 * n - 2 return flops

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